Sunday 15 November 2009

Warning - Rant coming up!

Is it just me or do you get the feeling that grass and ponies are far more important than people, their offspring and dogs? Having just waded through the Feasibility study and its pages of risk assessment, I found it incomprehensible that there was only one small entry regarding the safety of the users of the area. Do they not read the papers, or watch TV? All the recent deaths of walkers crossing fields of cattle, and the little boy on 'The One Show' left brain damaged after being kicked in the head by a horse when crossing a field with his sister. Do they not think this will put people off using the grassland, or is this the plan? To the Grass Police we are an inconvenience to be ignored or educated into their way of thinking. Never mind that our kids could be garroted by wire fencing when sledging or our dogs injured hitting the wire when distracted by a squirrel. Obviously troughs of water will pose no hazards to children, and people will happily have picnics in fields of ponies. Schools and clubs will ignore all health and safety and insurance guidelines and march their charges up there without a second thought.
We are of course going to be offered training for our dogs. The very dogs who have enjoyed freedom and not been used to sharing their play times with livestock, or who are taken there precisely because they are not safe with them. Are they going to offer this service to all the 'infrequent' visitors who come at weekends and holidays? And to top it all off we are expected to act as 'lookers', doing their job for them and clearing up the mess they are determined to create.
Perfectly adapted native species of yew, bracken and ragwort are to be eradicated. Never mind that they provide shelter and nectar to insects and small mammals. Bryn Euryn Local Nature Reserve should be renamed Bryn Euryn Local Grass Reserve for all the consideration any other forms of nature are given. Think on Countryside Services, you rely on us to be your eyes and ears with the vandals you are aware of now, so why are you deliberately doing your level best to alienate all the ratepayers who pay your wages? Sabotage gets the highest rating on your risk assessment, is this because of the widely reported vandalism or are you aware you are risking turning mild mannered, law abiding citizens into dis empowered angry saboteurs?

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